New Hampshire Banned License Plates
Personalized license plates are loved in New Hampshire. People use personalized license plates to be unique. But they sometimes misapply the uniqueness. And when they apply for the personalized license, they get a rejection.
Though the requirements vary in different states, some points stay unchangeable for any state.
- Your plate will be banned if it contains a sexual connotation.
- The personalized plate can be banned if it has religious content.
- The plate will get a rejection if it has offensive words or phrases.
Department of Safety – Division of Motor Vehicle in New Hampshire oversees all the plates.
Main reasons for New Hampshire Banned License Plates
You can find many reasons that will make your plate ban. Here are some of them:
- You can get a rejection if your plate contains neglect or mock.
- If your plate shows vulgarism, the DMV will reject your request.
- The plate will get a rejection if it expresses a sexual meaning.
- The DMV will refuse your request if it has a reference to drugs.
- Your plate cannot contain religious connotations.
- If the personalized license plate contains swear words or phrases, it will be rejected by the DMV.
You can order your personalized license plate in three ways. So, you can order it:
Examples of New Hampshire Banned License Plate
Here you can find some examples of banned license plates in New Hampshire.
- 3M-TA3
- PRO420
The requirements for the personalized license plate in New Hampshire
You can have a maximum of seven characters on your Personalized license plate in New Hampshire. The characters must be fewer for specialized plates and motorcycles. You can use numbers (1 to 9), all the zeroes will be changed into the letter O. You can use any combination of letters (A to Z) and the following characters “+&-“. And the DMV can remove all the spaces.
What types of vehicles can have a personalized license plate in New Hampshire?
There are a few types of vehicles that can have a personalized license plate in New Hampshire.
- The first type is Autos.
- The second type is Vans.
- Then, the third type is Trailers.
- The next type is Pickups.
- The fifth type is Commercial Vehicles.
- And the last type is Motorcycles.
Do custom plates cost money in New Hampshire?
If you want to order a personalized license plate in New Hampshire, you have to pay for it. The fee for a New Hampshire vanity plate is $40.00. Then, you have to pay $4.00 for the reflectorized fee for every plate. Note that you have to pay $8.00 for a set. Additionally, you should pay the renewal fee.
How can you order a personalized license plate in New Hampshire?
To apply for a vanity plate, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps.
- Above all, you must visit the Availability Search of the New Hampshire Personalized License Plate.
- Secondly, you must complete a personalized license plate application.
- Thirdly, you have to submit the application and fees.
- And lastly, you need to mail them to the New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of Motor Vehicles.
Amalya M
Amalya is a very enthusiastic person, who is eager to learn and to help people learn. Content writing is a good way to get a lot of new information for her, and she does it with pleasure. She is writing content not for just writing, but for her inner peace and new opportunities to enrich herself. So, you can feel the love and dedication in her writings. She provides unique and quality content both for the sites and for the readers.